Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Morningside Walk.

It is incredible how some places that meant something once, now Return faithfully to re-birth new experiences and new feelings. So today a new walk arm and adolescents who are lost in the place that becomes familiar but fabulous. She lets him know something of her lives, her visions, their fears of her wishes. He absorbes and embraces every word. Nobody else exists there at this time. Perfection takes advantage of this time to prove its existence, to demonstrate that humans are wrong not to dedicate themselves to look for it with passion. She looks at hims and she quiets. He looks at her and understands. Everything is so normal. It seems as if they had played that game for so long, but no. Everything had a carácter that was very fresh, very new, so full of surprises. The scent of her skin is that of a little girl’s. The softness of her hair, recently cut is simply incredible, he thinks, while his fingers run through the golden silk. Their eyes sought and they find themselves in the thin guise of a smile by curiosity to guess a little more than another. But no, “Please do not let me see more of what my eyes can now see. ….I do not want to know more about what is essential to maintain this time.”, They were perhaps be saying to themselves while lost in each other’s arms ….in the reciprocal and comfortable heat generated by the proximity of each other. As the clock continued its indifferent march, the time could at moments stop for a little while. She was glad, and this made him very happy. At the time their hands touched, a new language, clumsy and almost rustic, a new way to communicate that gave a new dimension to her expression. Now their arms promised a continuation, and their bodies touched, almost unified saying “I like you. This is Ok ….You make me feel well. I hope I do you well.” I will never understand the instinct that wraps you in flames from one second to another, when you feel like every one of your cells transmit to the other the ancestral need to love, to devour the body next to yours, which becomes a continuation of yours in just a few seconds, when you see the barriers fall and you see them consume t in your own flames, when you feel her arms demanding more and more and more, and I would never understand it either. Reflections of the mundane time were able to infiltrate in their new world built from just a few moments ago, but their pleasure was such that much more than that would be sufficient to break the spell. Still resonates in my memory, the echo of these words: “I will never forget this moment, I hope you won’t either.” (This now means the world to me.) A-C-D - 12-4-93

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